Like so many in the performing arts, the Colorado Springs Philharmonic’s adventurous plans have been interrupted by COVID-19. The doors to the concert hall have been shuttered, our voice is silenced, and this public health calamity threatens the cultural center of our community.
The total impact of the pandemic on the Philharmonic tops $2.5 million in revenues this year alone, or 62% of normal annual revenue. When the time comes to return to the stage, it will take significant resources to stand up performances. What’s more, we anticipate several years of public uncertainty about large gatherings.
From the first days of the pandemic, the Colorado Springs Philharmonic has responded creatively, putting musicians’ and patrons’ interests first, and not shrinking from the hard decisions. Today, we are financially lean, stable, and ready for a recovery.
This is a Comeback Story. The Philharmonic is challenged to orchestrate a thrilling return to the concert stage as soon as public health and other restrictions will allow. Support for related programmatic, artistic, operational and administrative costs is essential to guaranteeing our healthy return.
A Challenge Issued: Generous Philanthropists have offered an initial challenge, which will be used to leverage new and increased gifts.
The Philharmonic Comeback Fund is a donor restricted, future oriented fund deliberately set aside to be used for costs related to supporting the Philharmonic’s eventual return to the concert stage.