2024 D20 Choir Festival Wrap-Up

Voices (and hearts) Lifted in Song

CFA Center for Future Audiences

With open hearts and shining faces, young voices joined with the Colorado Springs Philharmonic on Saturday, November 9, 2024 at the Pikes Peak Center.  The culmination of months of preparation and a full-day workshop with the musicians of the Colorado Springs Philharmonic and expert clinicians, this performance was a first-of-its-kind partnership with Academy School District 20 and the U.S. Air Force Academy Cadet Chorale. 

But it wasn’t just a concert; it was a shared journey, where students, inspired by the power of live music, stepped into the spotlight to sing alongside the professional musicians of the Philharmonic. Here, they experience firsthand the thrill of connection and the resonance of voices blending together, a beautiful reminder of how music can ignite a lifelong passion and shape tomorrow’s artists, audience members, and supporters.

These photos capture the joy, the determination, and the pride in performing in a once-in-a lifetime moment. As you scroll through these photos, may you be reminded of the shared spirit and commitment that unites our community through music. This is the promise of future audiences and future stars—a reminder that our Philharmonic is, at its heart, a living legacy. We are honored to share with those just beginning their journey in song.

Our sincere thanks to ASD20 Superintendent Jinger Haberer, and her team: Ron Alexander, Kaitlin Clark, Wes Sparkes, and many others.  We gratefully acknowledge Dr. Austina Lee for her early leadership in forming this new and exciting partnership.