News & Updates

Bold Music for Bright Futures

The Colorado Springs Philharmonic ‘teamed up’ with The US Olympic and Paralympic Museu [...]

Rhapsody in Blue at 100

by Ryan Raul Bañagale February 12, 1924, was a frigid day in New York City. But that didn [...]

2024 D20 Choir Festival Wrap-Up

Voices (and hearts) Lifted in Song                 [...]

Free to Create, Always

Here’s the thing about being the only independent cultural organization of our kind in S [...]

“Song of a New Race”…a symphony to lift us all

William Grant Still’s Symphony No. 2, affectionately dubbed the “Song of a New Race,†[...]

The Day of the Dead: Live it Up!

Make no mistake about it: Día de Muertos is very much a celebration of life and the spiri [...]

Mozart and Beethoven would like a word…

Mozart and Beethoven would like a word… Few musical legends strut quite like Wolfgan [...]

Gimme Shelter: The Music of the Rolling Stones Meet the Symphony

Brent Havens | conductor by Sarah Ryals If you find yourself humming along with the rock c [...]

Volunteer Spotlight: Jourdan Jackson

Our volunteers are the cornerstone of our operations. Their dedication goes beyond just do [...]

A Gathering of Minds…How Truth Arises From Unity

What do a Taiwanese-American baton collector, a Finnish-American music director, and a Kor [...]

Trust, Talent, and a Bright Tomorrow

My friends, I’m so proud to share two thrilling developments with you and my thanks for [...]

She’s Still Got Soul

by Sarah Ryals If you caught her act last year, you know that Jenkins’ particular gift i [...]